
Friday, March 16, 2012


just for funn

Saturday, March 10, 2012

the beginning

The age began in the manner of all ages: with the collapse of another.
The great ravening beast of Earth's cultures had fed long and hard upon her bounties, but when she could no longer sustain humanity, mankind stretched its reach further to the solar system and soon found that even it could not sustain its hunger. Governments, ill-suited to pacifying a population which demanded more than they were able to give, collapsed. Those that rose from the ashes of economic and military warfare were shells of the entities of the previous millennia. The new rulers of humanity were instead those that could feed its ceaseless demands, those that had long grown accustomed to its insatiable hunger: corporations. It was now to corporate logos and enclaves that people paid heed, and governments were scarcely more than a token nod that was largely ignored. For the new gods of men, megacorporations, could satisfy what the governments could not - the new and final currency of mankind:

Energy. ...